After Valentines….

So valentines day has come and gone and so has the effort to make everyday seem like it is valentines day all over again.

Why,does it have to be valentines day for one to show just how much one loves? There many couples who will go full out because its valentines day. Why, not go full out because its thursday? I spent valentines day with one of my favourite newlyweds and a special friend:) we were at a restaurant(somewhere in kabulonga)just chilling(random chill)and we saw couples who seemed to be out only because it was valentines day. There was no conversation, we didnt hear much laughing, it was insane….well, more sad than anything.
We looked at the many couples and teased them especially the older ones(older men and their fetish for younger girls)he probably didnt want to be out with his quiet wife. The younger couples(the 35+)also just seemed to be so disconnected.

Whats making couples not want to spend as much time as they used to? Why dont they laugh and continue to make beautiful memories…. Whats driving people to disconnect from the ones they made promise to? Could it be many today marry for all wrong reasons and marry all the wrong people? Have people given up the fight in the battle that binds us to one another. Could love be losing the battle? The devil and his minions never resting to destroy all that is beautiful and pure.

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